Sunday, January 21, 2018

2018 Purpose to:

I follow a lovely lady Ali Brown. She is an artist and journaler. She has challenged her followers to take a new type of 2018 challenge. Instead of unrealistic challenges we are to come up with a list of things that will better our lives and journal about them to help them stick.  We can revisit them through out the year and hopefully make real life changes. Here we go... It took me a couple weeks to figure out how to fill in the blanks and what I wanted to change in my life. I want to be the best mom I can be and soak up all those precious moments. I want to grow as a person and in my walk with Jesus. I want to loose a few pounds for sure but more than that I want to be healthy and like myself for who I am. God likes me just the way I am. There are areas to improve, but if God likes me as I am then can’t I learn to like myself just the way I am right now, this very minute. I’m gonna try this year and hopefully improve on all these 12 goals I have made for myself.